Sunday, March 18, 2007


It was Bugzibitz at the zoo. We had our picture taken with the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, saw lots of neat bugs, got some bugs to take home and we even ate some.



(My son eating a chocolate covered cricket)

Maple Syrup Bush

We went to the Maple Syrup bush at Bruce’s Mill on the weekend. We enjoyed the entertainers and got a good tour of how maple syrup is made. The kids enjoyed the wagon rides and the rope maze. And best of all, we bought some real maple syrup.

Chuck-E-Cheese Again

We went back to Chuck-E-Cheese, our son could have a birthday party with some of his friends.
Even the big kids had fun on the games.

Subway Engineers

We took the subway to Canada Blooms on the weekend. The kids really enjoyed the trip and spent the whole time looking at the window. Now they want to be subway engineers when they grow up.
Canada Blooms was a pretty good show, and everyone had fun. We bought birdhouse gourd seeds and got some great ideas for our garden. Such as a garden train, a fountain and a green roof.

Tapping the tree

When I asked the kids if they wanted to tap the tree in the backyard, they both went out with plastic hammers and started tapping the tree. We finally figured it out and drilled the hole, pounded in the spile and hung the bucket. In a few weeks, we will have home made maple syrup. Perhaps we will get enough for one pancake.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dashing through the snow

We had a lot of fun on the toboggan hill today. My son and daughter both like the big hills and really enjoy going down by themselves.

Happy 3rd Birthday

My son celebrated his 3rd birthday on Saturday. It was a cars/diego theme, as you can tell by the cake. The big present is a basketball net. He also got books and puzzles. Does this mean that the terrible twos are over?